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International Green Purchasing Network 2023 Knowledge Sharing Webinar Held to Deep Collaborations

Date:2023/06/16 04:38:12

Column:CEC news

the IGPN met to share latest progresses in sustainable procurement and formally initiate the Green Purchasing Network measurement methodology development

2023 knowledge sharing webinar of the International Green Purchasing Network-IGPN was held visually on June 15th. Participants from national Green Purchasing Networks, IGPN Council and IGPN Advisory Board, invited guests from UNEP, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, GEN-Global Ecolabelling Network, TCO Development, GIZ Thailand office attended this meeting. The meeting was hosted by the IGPN Secretariat, China Environmental United Certification Center–CEC. 

Mr. Chen Yanping, Chair of IGPN, presented his speech in the opening remarks, “IGPN as an international network, has embedded to support global sustainable procurement development in capacity building, awareness raising, tools and approach development, scientific measurement and evaluation the impact of GPNs from IGPN toward SDG will be extremely important not only for the GPNs but also for the IGPN development. Consequently, the initiative of development GPN measurement methodology was proposed and listed as the 2023 annual work plan of the IGPN Secretariat. I hope the discussion will be in depth, and members take real action in participation, in order to formulate measurable, reportable, and replicated IGPN green purchasing network measurement methodology, which in turn promote the high quality development of the IGPN”. Mr. Mark Hidson, vice chair of IGPN, gave his welcome remarks, “In the context of the global economic slowdown, cooperation and collaboration are more vital than ever. Past 20 years’ practice has proved that knowledge sharing and experience exchange have become the main driver for enhancing professional knowledge, promoting practice, reducing risks, and expanding benefits in the field of sustainable procurement. New research and new activities such as addressing climate change and e-procurement have gradually become the mainstream in the field of sustainable public procurement. And hope the IGPN will play a more important role in sustainable procurement practices”.

During the meeting, the IGPN Initiative on development of Green Procurement Network measurement methodology formally launched, aimed to formulate a comprehensive measurement framework of with GPN characteristic, encourage IGPN members to apply the methodology and conduct reporting, promote the sustainable consumption and production transition by make this IGPN's unique GPN model ubiquitously.

In the meantime, Ms. Jellie Molino, Consultant of UNEP Economic Division, presented the low carbon public procurement policy study in the Asia Pacific; Ms. Kate Harris, Global Ecolabelling Network Secretariat, shared the GEN project on SPP and ecolabel roles in mitigating climate change; Mr. Nick Liu, manager of TCO Development Asia region sustainable purchaser engagement, introduced the low-carbon procurement practice case; Mr. Farid Yaker, IGPN Advisory Board member, former UNEP SPP Global lead, exchanged the main findings from the 2022 SPP Global Review and experiences of SDG 12.7.1 data collection exercise. Additionally, representatives from CEC shared the application of Scope 3 inventory in ICT industry, IGPN secretariat, together with Mr. Augustine Koh, Director of GPN BERHAD, IGPN Council member, and Dr. Chuttree Phurat, Senior Project Manager of GPN Thailand exchanged contents of the methodology and initiative.  

Since CEC holds the IGPN Secretariat in 2018, it consistently works on the IGPN operational and members’ collaboration activities. Stated by Mr. LIU Zunwen, CEC general manager, in the summary speech, “Next, IGPN Secretariat will solicit comments and suggestions from members and establish a working group to complete full-range research, survey, and comments collection, the pilot and release of methodology are supposed to be conducted in 2024. We expect the GPN measurement methodology can facilitate knowledge exchange among members, inspire more green procurement practice and expand the IGPN community.”

International Green Purchasing Network 2023 Knowledge Sharing Webinar Held to Deep Collaborations