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Capacity Building Project on Typical Green Products in APEC Economies-Workshop on EcolabelGreen

Date:2018/12/26 03:38:10

Column:CEC news

CEC undertook the “Capacity Building Project on Typical Green Products in APEC Economies” in early 2018 in order to facilitate environmental cooperation of APEC economies, actively promote green trade and green consumption and improve the awareness of both public and private sectors of APEC economies in green products.  

The Workshop on Ecolabel and Green Consumption in Beijing was held by CEC during November 26-27, 2018 as a key outcome of the project. At this workshop, participants introduced and discussed current status and future development of typical green products in APEC. They have reached consensus that environmental labeling schemes enjoy high popularity with very high government and public recognition and remarkable role in improving the environment. In addition, environmental labeling schemes of APEC economies have conducted cooperation at different degree, laying a good foundation for wider application, extension and further cooperation in APEC region. In the near future, it is expected that the great development of ecolabel products as typical green products of APEC economies will expedite green development of each economy. 

More than 40 people including the official of Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) and experts on green procurement and green consumption from 12 APEC economies attended this meeting.